Stoke The Fire
Stoke The Fire Hot Sauces
Naturally grown ingredients from Stoke The Fire's urban farm make these flavour-packed exotic and classic sauces a must have.
GARLIC JALAPEÑO: A classic Jalapeño sauce. Jalapeños, garlic and onion; high quality local ingredients. A true Revy sauce! 3/5 heat.
SWINGING ROOSTER: A sriracha-style hot sauce gets up early in the morning and is loud enough to wake the neighbour. Its bright and bold complexity can cause a scene at any meal. This cocky sauce boasts crimson and red jalapeños mingling with sweet onion and garlic and it can sure get around although you can rest assured that it will always come home to you. 3/5 heat.
LIFE'S A PEACH: Created with the uniquely flavoured Sugar Rush Peach pepper, backed up with heat from the Peruvian White Habanero; this sauce has fire balanced by sweet from delicious Okanagan peaches. 3/5 heat.
PINEAPPLE POPTANG: Mango, Pineapple and Red Habanero; Sweet and Savoury. This sauce has the Pop n' Tang that you're looking for! 4/5 heat.
BEAR SPRAY: From the heart of the world's only inland temperate rainforest, comes the perfect balance of flavour and fire. Handcrafted from Revelstoke heirloom tomatoes and a searing blend of fire from our pepper high tunnel, this sauce will surely keep the bears away. *Seriously though, don't use this for protection from large carnivores* 5/5 heat.
Stoke The Fire Hot Sauces
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