Thanks for visiting our page and wanting to learn more about how we are contributing to the zero waste movement.
Chickpeace wants to support you in making socially responsible choices so that you can live your best life. We are bad ass eco warriors on a mission to make this planet a better place to live by reducing reducing plastic from the food system. We want to provide you with a zero waste shopping experience that will eliminate any affordability + accessibility barriers so you can fully embrace your package free journey with ease.
Chickpeace plans to open a zero waste refill store in early 2020 that will have a plant based commercial kitchen available for production, classes or workshops. Chickpeace will also offer an online commerce platform for purchasing zero waste products. Need some consulting to help integrate zero waste into your corporate culture? We can help you with that too!
You've probably purchased the occasional product in a plastic container, then put forth a good effort to toss it in a blue recycling bin once you’re done. Yet, that action can sometimes feel inconsequential.
This begs the question, what difference does a single bottle or milk container here or there really make?
In recent years, people have started cutting down on plastic consumption, as we have realized the effects plastic can have on the environment and our oceans. Although most people know that plastic cannot be absorbed back into the environment, there are many that are unaware just how much plastic ends up in our oceans. Plastic pollution is infiltrating our society and causing serious detriment to our planet. Yet we are so dependent on it as consumers. The time for change is now.
It is our goal to help empower you to redefine your purchasing practices by providing you options for ethical and package free consuming. We in turn hope to reduce the amount of abhorrent plastic in its entirety, make the world a better place and brighten the future for forthcoming generations!